Happy Father’s Day

This is the day we set aside to give honor to our fathers.  Romans 12:10 says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”  To honor fathers is right and good.  There are three fathers that we need to consider this very day.

First there is God the Father.  Jesus called Him Father.  When Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount there is a section on prayer.  He said, “… Our Father…” (Matthew 6:9).  He also used this same phrase when His disciples came to Him and asked to be taught to pray Luke 11:1-2).  When Jesus was about to undergo His trials He prayed to His Father (Read John 17).

God is called our Father for many reasons; this is done so that we can understand our relationship with Him in some areas.  As our earthly fathers take care of us so does the God of heaven.  As our earthly fathers discipline us so does our Father which art in heaven.  (Read Hebrews 12) As our earthly father teaches us things lets us learn from our heavenly Father.  He has given us His Word we need to read and understand it.  Our Heavenly Father likes to hear from us also.  As a father I like to hear from my children.  I like for them to call me up and have a nice conversation.  God likes to hear from His children too. We do not use the telephone but we do use prayer.  When is the last time you talked to God?

Our Father in Heaven likes to be glorified, honored and praised.  This ought to be done on a continual basis.  Do we worship God daily?  Do we come when the other children come to give Him praise and honor?  Do we come regularly?

Second, there is our father in the faith.  This idea is stated by Paul in I Corinthians 4:15.  He says, “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for In Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.”  Paul had been there and taught them the Gospel.  Acts 18 talks of Paul journeys through this part of the world.  We find, “…and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized.”  Paul had taught them the truth and he was concerned about their spiritual welfare.  This is still true today.  When we teach someone the truth we are and stay concerned about him or her.  We are concerned if they are still worshipping God, if they are still faithful to the words that He has given us.  If they are still trying to fight the devil and not be overcome by him!

Lastly there are our earthly fathers.  When we think and talk of our earthly fathers emotions do not run as deep in most cases as when we talk of mothers.  Think though for a moment about what our earthly fathers have done for us.  In some cases they are our fathers in the Gospel. My father taught me and baptized me.  I have done the same with my children.  Some of you have also.

Our earthly fathers have the responsibility to teach us.  There are a lot of things that need to be learned.  We could start from walking to riding a bike; from doing the math to algebra and things such as sharpening a knife to how to bait a hook.  Our fathers may have taught how to throw a ball and how to catch a ball.  Our fathers may have taught us the Bible.  This may have been done at the dinner table, or as you were baiting that hook before mentioned.  They may have taught us in Bible class.  They may also have taught us by example.  They have taught us the most practical things in life along with some funny stuff too.

So on this day that is set aside for fathers why not call up your dad if you can and just say, “thank you dad. Thank you for supporting me.  Thank you for being my dad.”  Some of us can no longer talk to our dad’s so talk to them while you can.


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