Happy Father’s Day

This is the day we set aside to give honor to our fathers.  Romans 12:10 says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”  To honor fathers is right and good.  There are three fathers that we need to consider this very day. First there is God the Father.  Jesus called Him Father.  When Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount there is a section on prayer.  He said, “… Our Father…” (Matthew 6:9).  He also used this same phrase when His disciples came to Him and asked...

Father’s Day

Father’s Day may conjure up many emotional memories about our fathers. Some of them may be positive and some may be negative. Fathers can do that, while when we think of Mothers our emotions are mostly positive. When we think of father’s we think of them as the hard disciplinarian of the family. When we think of our mothers, she is the one we ran to when daddy got through with us! Yet there are loving memories of our father. Let us consider some memories that cause these loving thoughts. As we think of our...Continue reading

Father’s Day

Father’s Day may conjure up many emotional memories about our fathers. Some of them may be positive and some may be negative. Fathers can do that, while when we think of Mothers our emotions are mostly positive. When we think of father’s we think of them as the hard disciplinarian of the family. When we think of our mothers, she is the one we ran to when daddy got through with us! Yet there are loving memories of our father. Let us consider some memories that cause these loving thoughts. As we think of our...Continue reading

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