
“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision” Joel 3:14. We make hundreds or even thousands of decisions every day. Some are not so good and some turn out pretty good. If you were here Sunday you saw a person make a decision to follow Jesus. He put Christ on in baptism. He had his sins washed away. He was baptized for the remission of sins. This is a good decision to make. It will affect someone’s eternal destiny and maybe it will affect others also.

We sing a song, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” The song also has “if none go with me still I will follow.” is that true? When we sing a song it needs to be the truth. We are teaching one another with our songs (Colossians 3:16). We might think that it is true but when persecutions come will we still follow? This is one of those decisions that we need to be prepared for when the time comes. To be prepared we need to think of persecutions that will come and make the decision to follow Jesus any way. We all hope that we will make the right decision and stay with that decision.

We make decisions every day that will effect if we will follow Jesus until the end of time. It starts when we hear the Gospel. Do we believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God? Are we willing then to repent of our sins? Are will willing to die to sins? Those sins that we like to commit, are we willing to give those up too? If not then a study of repentance is needed. Are we willing to confess that Jesus is the Christ? What about in our daily lives, are we willing to confess Him then too? This is the idea behind Matthew 10:32-33. Are we willing then to be baptized for the remission of sins Acts 2:38 (to have our sins washed away Acts 22:16)? These are all decision that will effect where we will dwell for eternity. What has been your decision? Will you follow Jesus?

When temptations come will we still follow Jesus? When Jesus was giving the explanation of parable of the soils He tells of the stony places. These are the folks who hear and with joy receive the Word. When temptations or persecutions come upon these individuals they have no roots and do not produce fruit. They do not endure until the end. They made a decision to follow Jesus but they were not ready for what came next. We need to be prepared for these things. We also need to help those who are newly converted to know these things and help them make the right decision.

There is also another group mentioned in this parable; it is those who have the seed planted among the thorns. This group has made the decision to follow Jesus, but this time the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches get in the way of that decision. You see we must prepare our minds so that we will say that “though none go with me I still will follow.” We must let the new child of God know that there are outside forces that will try to get them to recant the decision that they have made.

There is a decision to worship God. We are to worship God upon the first day of the week. Since every week has a first day then we are to worship God every Sunday. There are five acts of worship that we are to do upon Sunday. We are commanded to be here for this worship. We have made the decision to follow Jesus and we are willing to sing that song, but when things do not go the way that we want them to go, will we still follow Jesus? If we stay up too late on Saturday night would we rather sleep in than go to worship? If you have made the decision to follow Jesus this is not going to be discussed. That decision has already been made. You will be here; ready to worship God. On Wednesday evening you will be in your proper place to study about God. This is the time when the elders have decided that we can come together to study together the Will of God and become closer as a family. What has been your decision? Will you follow Jesus or will you do what the devil wants? Not all people worship God correctly. Some leave out some items or acts of worship and then some of these same individuals add to the worship of God. We do not have that right to change God’s Worship if we have decided to follow Jesus. Again these are decisions that will determine where we will dwell for eternity. Therefore these decisions are important!

Those are not the only decision that will affect us in eternity. What about working for the church? 1 Corinthians 3:9 states that we must labor together with the Lord. Then in 2 Corinthians 4:7 that we are how God is working today. Have you made the decision to work with and for the church? If the decision has been made to work with the church how is this work manifested. Jesus said that we are the light of the world and we are to let your light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). Can I work with the church and never do anything with the church? Can I never teach a class or teach an individual about Christ. Can I work for the church and never participate in the worship of the church? Can I show in my life who is in control of my life?

If we have decided to follow Jesus then we must add the fruit of the Spirit to our lives. This will take work. Do you have all the love that you need? What about someone who has mistreated you, do you love them too? How much joy do you have? Look in the mirror – which way is your smile? We say we have joy but we look like we have been sucking on lemons for a long time. If we have joy then show it at least with a smile. Peace, are you at peace with God and your fellow man? This may take some work to leave peaceable with some folks! Do you have all the longsuffering you need or want? Are you really that patient with all men? Are you gentle toward all? Are you good toward all? Do you have faith so that you can move mountains? If not then you see you need to get to work! You see there is work when we make the decision of follow Jesus. Who will you follow? Let us all follow Jesus.

Love, Keith

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