
In the beginning God created all things and it is said by God that it was good. God created the light and it was good (Genesis 1:4). On the third day God divided the waters and the land so that land appeared and again He said it was good (Genesis 1:10). Also on the third day God created the grass, herbs, and the trees, and God saw that this was good (Genesis 1:12). On the third day there were two things that happened and it was all good according to God’s standards. On the fourth day God made two great lights one to rule over the day and the other over the night; to be signs for the seasons and for days, and years. This too was good (Genesis 1:18). On the fifth day God created the moving creatures out of the waters, the fowls of the air, the fish of the sea and again God saw that this was good (Genesis 1:21). On the sixth day God created the land animals, the cattle, and the creeping things this too was good (Genesis 1:25). Then when Genesis chapter one closes it states that, “God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”

After creating man, placing him in the Garden of Eden, giving him the command of which tree to eat and not eat, God said something was “not good” (Genesis 2:18). God brought all the animals to Adam to name, during this process none of the animals were found to be a suitable help meet for him (Genesis 2:20). Therefore God created Eve for him and Adam called her Woman (Genesis 2:23). Man was no longer alone and had a suitable help meet for him. All of this was good and God declared it so.

In the New Testament we read of the “goodness of God.” Romans 2:11 tells of the goodness of God leading us to repentance. All the blessings of God lead man to understand his place before God. There are the physical blessings that God has provided man. We can begin with the air that we breathe to the house that we live in and continue to the automobiles in which we travel. God truly has blessed us, this ought to cause man to want to stand before God and worship and serve Him, yet many refuse.

Next, then consider the spiritual blessings. When man contemplates his minuteness before God and then what God has done for him, this too ought to cause each and every man to repent. When we consider that our sins separate us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2), and that man can do nothing to bring about reconciliation (Jeremiah 10:23) and that God has provided all of the love, grace and mercy that we might need to be reconciled to God this too ought to lead us to repentance. God gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16) so that we might be able to be justified before Him, so that we might be able to stand pure and spotless before the throne of God. Oh, the goodness of God! Oh, that goodness ought to lead us with humility to seek God’s forgiveness. But man is stubborn! Sometimes we do not know what is good for us and we must be told. Thus we must be told and reminded that the goodness of God ought to lead us to repentance.

Another time we read of the goodness of God is still in the book of Romans. Paul is talking of the grafting in of natural branches and wild branches (chapter 11). Paul writes of the natural branches being broken off because of their unbelief. Israel did not obey, did not believe what God would do for them if they would serve Him. This also causes one to wonder if they believed that God would chastise them when they disobeyed Him. Paul in Romans 11:22 used the goodness of God three times to gain their attention. He, guided by the Holy Spirit, tells of the goodness and the severity of God. The ones who did not obey there is the severity of God. Who wants to stand before God and meet His wrath? There may be a person who really does not understand the wrath of God and they may indicate that they would not mind to face His wrath. Truly they do not understand who God is and what He will do. They have not read the Bible! No person wants to stand before God and meet His wrath if they understand who God is.

Next, in this verse we find that the goodness of God is extended toward those who obey and also continue in His goodness. These are the ones who are like those of Macedonia who understand the grace of God (2 Corinthians 8:1-5). When we understand the goodness of God and thus His grace, we too will be giving of our own self to the Lord (2 Corinthians 8:5). There will be no quibbling over how much we must do to serve God. Really it is not how much, but how little can we do and still have the goodness of God. There may be many who want to see how little they can do and still make it into heaven. How few times do they have to attend the services? How few times do they have to visit the sick, fatherless or the widows? How little do they have to give of themselves and still be acceptable to God? If we are not willing to give all of self and be totally dedicated to God then we just might face the severity of God (Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 2:20).

We must according to Romans 11:22; “continue in his goodness.” We cannot quit. This is similar to Revelation 2:10 which states, “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” We must continue to serve God all the days of our life. We must continue to serve God no matter what happens in our life. There is the goodness of God to consider. There is a mansion in heaven that awaits all those who continue in the goodness of God all of their life. There is the being in the presence of God for all of eternity for those who continue in the goodness of God.

Let us be of the tribe who is continuing in the goodness of God. Let us be of the tribe who continues in the goodness of all of our life no matter what comes, whether it be persecution or temptation let us continue on!

Love, Keith

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