Something to Think about as the New Year Begins

As we enter this New Year there is much to look forward too but also much to contemplate.  As I am writing this article there are just a few days left in the old year.  I want us to contemplate what has happen to us this year.  I could think of all that has happened to me and bring tears to my eyes.  When I do this I consider this I also get to thinking about what has happened to others of the church family here.  This has been an interesting year hasn’t it?  But life goes on and we must look to the future and learn from the past.  Let us each go forward to a new beginning with the start of a new year.

As we begin every new year we always say we will make some changes in our lives.  We call them resolutions.  We resolve to make changes in our lives.  These changes are always for the better.  But how long do we stay with each change?  How many days into this new millennium will we stop these changes that we want to make in our lives?  We are determined to do them, but when something comes up or we get busy we forget these life changes that we want to make.  Let me offer some suggestions both on how to keep them going and then some changes that I think will make a difference in our lives.

When determination is made that we will lose those pounds or that we will become more fit; when we decide that we will walk a certain distance; or we will quit a bad habit, what always happens?  It seems that it never fails, when we get busy we forget what we resolved to do.  We have started out fine and then something come up and the first thing you know we forgot our resolution.  We can start over again with our resolution.  Why quit?  Why stop?  Why not just start over again.  If you said that you were going to read the Bible through and you were reading fine for a couple of days then you forgot to read, just start where you left off.  If you said you were going to change your eating habits and lose weight and you did well for a couple of day but then started back to the old habits, don’t quit just start where you are.  Yes it is that easy.  Yes you can do it.  Now let me give you some areas to thing about improving.

This year you might want to study your Bible.  You have said in your heart and maybe even out loud that you want to be more committed to knowing your Bible.  You can start this year and read it every year!  Wouldn’t that be great to tell your grandchildren that you read your Bible through every year for so l read my Bible through this many years in row?  This will require some time so set some time aside to read or study.  Now if you forget to read one day then do your reading as soon as you can.  You can do it

This year why not pray more.  Do you pray when you eat each meal?  Do you pray when you get up each morning? How about before you go to bed?  Why not start a new time in your life to pray.  If you forget then do it then or as soon as you can, but don’t quit!

This year why not act kinder to others?  What has happen in that other person life?  They might need an act of kindness right then and there.  When you are driving why not act courteous?  That other drive might just act like he is paying for the whole road, like he owns the road; but what has happen to him?  Do you know?  He or she might be under a lot of stress; they might have just found out that a loved one has died! You never know. So why not act kinder this year.

This year why not teach another about Christ?  You can do for them, do your acts of kindness, you can pray for them, you can even study with them each day and do all of the thing we are suggesting here.  You would be killing all the birds with one stone that way.

This year why not encourage someone else. Pick out someone once a month and write him or her an encouraging note.  It will make a difference. It will only be twelve people, won’t take much time but it will do a world of good.

Then also why not take your cross up daily and follow the Lord?  Be concerned about your own soul! Read Matthew 16:24 do it right now.  Whose cross are we to take up?  Not the Lord!  Why not think and do something to take care of your soul each day for the rest of the New Year.

Think on these things.

Love, Keith

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