No Assembling Required

Over the years I have had many bulletins from different congregations from many different parts of our nation. A bulletin article crossed my desk with this title; so the title of this article is not original with me. OI have changes a few things within the article so, just trying to give credit where it is due.  This article has many interesting points that need to be pondered. Have you been to the store and was looking at something big that said assembly required? Or have you looked closer to see if the store would...Continue reading

Will God Make Exceptions On Judgment Day?

This statement, “There is an exception to every rule.” Is not found in the Bible. However, it is seemingly a statement of truth. Exceptions for rules is a practice for which we have become accustom in our society. People expect exception to rules to be made on their behalf. The speed limit on most interstates is 70 miles per hour except for most people driving on them. That is only the speed limit for the few people who are pulled over for speeding. On judgment day many will want God to make exceptions to His...Continue reading

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