Does Baptism Sanctify an Unscriptural Relationship?

by Neil Richey The scenario is this—a man and a woman marry (both having never been married before). Neither is a Christian. After several years, the same man and woman decide to divorce (fornication is not the cause). They have clearly violated Matthew 5:32. Now suppose that the man marries again, and he is now out of ignorance living in adultery (cf. Matt 19:9). While in this relationship he is taught how to become a Christian. He is therefore baptized for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). Question, did his baptism sanctify (make right) his...

Warning Signs

Last week we began this lesson about warning signs.  We have them all around us when we drive in this area.  If we do not heed them we can be in serious trouble.  The Bible has warning signs contained within its pages and if we do not heed those warnings we will be in serious trouble at the last day. Please consider Matthew 25.  It is a warning sign itself and tells us of that last day when Jesus shall judge us and separate us as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.  Are...Continue reading

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