Warning Signs

Last week we began this lesson about warning signs.  We have them all around us when we drive in this area.  If we do not heed them we can be in serious trouble.  The Bible has warning signs contained within its pages and if we do not heed those warnings we will be in serious trouble at the last day. Please consider Matthew 25.  It is a warning sign itself and tells us of that last day when Jesus shall judge us and separate us as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.  Are we going to heed the signs or bust hell wide open?

Last week we saw the signs of drifting away (Heb. 2:1); that we can develop an evil, unbelieving heart (Heb. 3:12); that we can be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Heb. 3:12) and also the danger sign of coming short of God’s rest (Heb. 4:1).

Warning sign number 5 is falling into disobedience (Heb. 4:11). The context talks of the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt and coming into the Promised Land.  There were many times that these people disobeyed God; even Moses disobeyed God. This is not the only time that the Israelites are used as a warning to us.  Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 and you find them used there. Steven used them also in Acts 7.  Now we can learn from their mistakes or we are destined to repeat them and we too will fail to enter into the rest God has promised to us. Who wants to miss the blessings of God’s promised rest?  I know I don’t and I don’t think you do either so let us heed this warning sign!

Warning sign number 6 is found in Hebrews 12:3.  The warning sign reads that we can become weary and discouraged.  This is easy for all of us to become weary and discouraged but we should not let it happen, for if we do we might discourage others.  When we become weary and discouraged there are some things we need to consider, the context tells us to “consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.”  Jesus is the perfect example for us to follow.  Did He get discouraged?  Look at what happen to him: 1) the religious Jewish people all rejected Him, 2) These folks did not believe what He said, 3) His friends left Him, 4) and finally, His enemies killed Him.  Have you had that kind of day in your life?  Most of the time when we get discouraged there are things wrong in our life.  I think of Elijah when he got discouraged and weary.  God told him to rest, eat and then get busy.  We ought to heed this warning sign take care of ourselves and then get busy about the Lord’s Work!

Warning sign #7 is found in Hebrews 12:12-13. There are some who have weak hands and feeble knees.  We know that we can become discourage and weary, but what about others?  When we see others in this conditions we ought to spend a few minutes with them to help them out of this mood. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”  That is what this passage in Hebrews is also saying.  Let us help out those who are discouraged with encouragement.  Let us help out those who are weary with lifting up their hands and making their paths just a little straighter.  It is a tough world out there and we all need encouragement from time to time.

Our last warning sign (#8 if your counting) is found in Hebrews 12:15.  This is the danger sign of falling short of the Grace of God.  Read that passage; notice anything about it?  That passage tells us to “look diligently.” We are discussing warning signs and we need to read them carefully.  Have you ever traveled down the interstate and knew you were getting close to you exit and something happen and you did not get to read one of the signs entirely? I have, so when others are with me I ask them to help me watch the road signs.  You see we are to be constantly watching to make sure we are in “the faith” (2 Cor. 13:5). We can be in the wrong place and if the Lord comes or we meet the Grim Reaper will we find that we have not watched carefully?  So let us read carefully those signs that God has place out there.

Thus we have studied eight warning signs God has placed before us, are we reading and heeding them? A careful driver will read and heed all of the warning signs lest he come to a place of danger and have some real problems for not reading and heeding the road signs. A careful Christian will read the warning signs God has place before him and then take the necessary precautions God has set forth.  Read and heed your Bible today!

Love Keith

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