The Great Physician

Jesus has been called the “Great Physician.” There is a song by that title that has very good sentiments. Seven hundred and fifty years before Jesus set foot on the earth, Isaiah prophesied, “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). Peter quotes this passage (1 Peter 2:24) and does not apply...


Character studies of Bible personalities are beneficial studies. There are those whom we have studied over and over again. We glean new insights to their lives and lessons to be applied to our lives each time we study them. Application of these lessons to our lives is really one of the purposes of any Bible study. We all like to study those individuals who will encourage us in our daily walk toward heaven. There is a time when we need to study those individuals who have a negative life. The purpose in studying these individuals...Continue reading

Gambling with Sacrifice

The chicken and the pig were discussing what sacrifice means when considering the breakfast meal for humans. The chicken did not think that sacrifice was such a big deal, but the pig did. To the pig it meant total commitment but to the chicken it was just giving. Parents make sacrifices for their children. Some of those sacrifices may never be know to the children. Some sacrifices may become known later in life when the parents talk lovingly of the child’s upbringing.  If those sacrifices were despised, it would subordinate them in the minds of...Continue reading

Flu Shot

This is the time of year when many get their flu shot. The doctors warn many whose health is questionable to partake of this shot every year. There are those that are young who need it. There are those who are middle aged who need it. And there are those who are more mature who are to get this shot. It will do well to take this shot so that one will not get the flu. Likewise there is a flu shot for apostasy. Listen to what Paul discusses with Timothy, “If thou put the...Continue reading

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