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Was the Blood of Christ Spilt?

spill\ˈspil\ verbspilled \ˈspild, ˈspilt\ alsospilt \ˈspilt\ ; spill•ing [Middle English, from Old English spillan; akin to Old English spildan to destroy and perhaps to Latin spolium animal skin, Greek sphallein to cause to fall](before 12th century) transitive verb1 aarchaic: kill, destroyb: to cause (blood) to flow 2: to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted 3 a: to relieve (a sail) from the pressure of the wind so as to reef or furl it b: to relieve the pressure of (wind) on...Continue reading

In Pursuit of Christianity

When one studies the book of Colossians he is impressed with the idea of who a person is to be when he becomes a Christian. In chapter 2:12 the student will find that a person is “buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him” (2:12). Thus we are “in Christ” and are a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are now in pursuit of being a Christian; we are becoming the kind of person Christ wants us to become. Let us notice and think about what that involves from Colossians chapter...


In the beginning God created all things and it is said by God that it was good. God created the light and it was good (Genesis 1:4). On the third day God divided the waters and the land so that land appeared and again He said it was good (Genesis 1:10). Also on the third day God created the grass, herbs, and the trees, and God saw that this was good (Genesis 1:12). On the third day there were two things that happened and it was all good according to God’s standards. On the fourth...

How Do We Express Our Thanksgiving to God?

There are several ways in which we can express our thanksgiving to God. One is by sacrifice. “I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord” (Psalm 116:117). Leviticus 22:29 states, “And when ye will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the Lord, offer it at your own will.” Milligan states in the Scheme of Redemption about the Thank offering these words: “The victim offered might be either a male or a female of the heard or of the flocks. With the animal was also brought...


This time of year is a time of family. Many families get together for many different reasons, but one is so that all can catch up with other members of the family. Some times families swap out with this day and with Christmas meeting with one side or the other. It is still a good time to get together and renew the love that we have for one another. It also is a time to be thankful for our heritage. Our heritage is those family members who have gone before us who have made us...Continue reading

Thank You

This Thursday is the time we have set aside to honor our men and women who have served in the armed services. The Bible teaches that we are to honor some. Read what inspired men wrote: “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour” ( Romans 13:7). “Honour all men, Love the brotherhood, Fear God. Honour the king” (1 Peter 2:17). The first Gentile Christian was a military man. “There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a...

Holy Spirit

There are several ideas about the Holy Spirit that many are confused about. This is true in the church and out of the church. Many do not to spend the time in the depth of study that is needed. This is not a study of one or two study periods. It will take more that fifteen minutes; it will take more than an hour of study time to know something about the Holy Spirit. Many are confused because they are not rightly dividing the Scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15). Some may be confused because they are...

Counting the Cost

Have you ever wanted to build a new house? Did you ever wanted a new car? After the decision was made to buy or build what was the next question? Most likely it was: what is the cost of building or buying? If the cost was too high then there might be other options were thought of or sought that might be available. The Bible talks about this same thing when considering discipleship. Luke 14:25-33 reads thusly, “And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, If any man come...Continue reading

Where Are You?

This is an important question on many levels. One must know where he is to know where he is going, in other words one has to have a starting point to have an ending point. Try to go some place with Google maps. You must have a starting point before it can give you an ending point. GPS is the same. To know where we are going spiritually we must also know where we are! Goals are very important to have as we journey also. They help us to know our progress as we journey....Continue reading

Every Member Matters!

In the twelfth chapter of the book of 1 Corinthians one finds the church compared to the physical body. Within that chapter one will find the foot, the hand, the ear, the eye all mentioned. The Holy Spirit through Paul states that all of these are necessary. What if the body were made up of a foot? What if the entire body were a hand, or an ear, or an eye? How would such a body function? Each and every part of the physical body is important, and each member of the church, the Lord’s...Continue reading